
7 Reasons Why Bloggers Fail To Make Money

I believed that making money via blogging takes a lot of time and the moment that we will stop what we had started makes the whole thing a pretty useless one. Try to ask ourselves these two questions. 
1. Do I make enough money from my blog/site? 
2. Do I deserve the money that I have received from my blog? 
It is hard to accept the fact that some of us don't make enough of it and yes we deserved the gain that we got from our blogs wether it is high or low . There are things that we made a few months or years ago that had become incredibly ineffective or inefficient that lead of what we are now today! The worst of all those things is if we give up and stopped blogging completely. What an horrible decision! Isn't it?

"There's always a rainbow after a heavy rain"

My dear, blogging is one of the best source of descent income nowadays! Try to evaluate your blog from the highest part to the lowest part of it. Examine all the sides if it is user's friendly or not. Then ask again if "Why I am not making money right this moment?

" Below might be the answer for that question:

1. Design Is A MUST!

We always read article online that we should always make articles which are unique, full of sense and new to our readers but is your blog's design really gowith your content? Perhaps NO! There is one element that you probably forgot and that is DESIGN. Assuming that you landed a certain a blog and you found out that it is poorly desinged, would you even bother to read the content? Perhaps no, am I right? Chances are you'd just leave and think that the page was under construction or a spam. If your blog isn't well designed even if you write a terrific article, your visitors will fly away and look for another which is more professional in looks.

Try to look the basic things in blogging like your image size, fonts. These are common mistakes but it has a big impact to your career. Make sure that your images are inline with the topic and the texts are easy to read, and people will read it. It's really that simple thing.

2. Bloggers Forget The Main Purpose.

Basically the main reason why we write is to share what we have in our minds. And sad to say that this was being forgotten by majority of us. Earning money through it is just a secondary reason . Blogging is a way to share what we have know and let the world know also via internet.

In the first place, if people are happy with your articles written in return the will also pay you unconsciously.

3. User's Can't Navigate Your Site

Does your site contains navigation bar to make your them (readers) stay long in reading some related articles?. From the name itself (WEBSITE) which means a set of related web pages served from a single web domain. A website is not just a single page, but rather a series of pages that link together. Don't let your readers find difficult to navigate your site or else they will not stay long and consequently loss them slow by slow. Make your customers satisfied and treat them as VIP.

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Utilize your most popular posts to increase your blog traffic by creating navigation bar entries on it. Add drop-downs for categories and tags. Make sure there's a clear and click-able "home" button. In other words, make sure that you can get essentially anywhere on the site, no matter your current page.

4. You Don't  Pleased Your Blog  Readers And Advertisers

You will not earn if you don't have any readers or customers and at the same time if you don't even one advertisers promoting their products through your blog. Selling stuff is on of the most effective and easiest way to make money via blogging these days. Your readers are your potential clients for it. You can use your blog in big extent to inform and entertain them, and in small scale to steer them towards the products that you promote. It is an equilibrium that has worked between bloggers and advertisers seeking to make more money than is available through CPM ( cost per impression) costadvertising.

As usual customers find it easy if they will not fill out many extra forms and take only fewer steps to add an item to a cart and finish an order in a very short period of time. Offer them more ways to pay like Pay pal but there are also alternative ways to pay online. Offering mobile payments is another way to make things easier for your customers. Ease leads to sales. It's the the no.1 lesson any online businessperson should never forget.

5. Practicing  Black Hat SEO Than  Better SEO For Your Site To Rank In Google

Before, during the early part of this 21st century there was a gold rush on the internet. Google had risen to prominence since she was driving obscene amounts of traffic. If you ranked highly for a commercial search term, you were almost guaranteed sales. Of course, when the company (Google) realized all the money the people were making within its ecosystem, they decided to make it much more difficult to rank for highly commercial search terms. Here comes now the different SEO to make our sites more visible than to our competitors. Those who practiced Black Hat SEO have been penalized by Google and bloggers who still uses them in these days are continue to be penalized. If you not rank as highly as before, it is highly recommended that you follow Google's guidelines for high quality sites to gain back those prestige status. At the end we will be thankful to Google for the potential sales it can bring -- if we do it right.

6. You Are Hiding Yourself To People

Sounds bad buddies but it is true that sometimes we forget to show our selves publicly. As customers they tend to buy something if they know the source of it like the manufacturers, the country where it was made and the store where it was sold. Big names (brands) have a huge advantage here. They're instantly recognized, and so people trust them more naturally than those names which are not so popular with their ears. When you're a blogger especially an newbie one and try to sell products or even services on your site, you have to be forthcoming with people. So select a picture of yours which looks visitors' friendly. Tell a full story on your About page. Not just what you do, but who you are. Provide your email address. Contact forms just don't cut it and link to all of your social profiles like facebook, twitter, google plus etc. The more people get to know you, the more they will trust their money to you.

7. Don't Follow  Advertisers TOS

Some Bloggers felt depressed or even ended their career once they are banned by their ads advertisers for violating their respective terms and conditions (TOS).Don't force yourself to earn easy money by practicing techniques which are not in line with the rules of your advertisers because it is also unfair to their part to pay money which doesn't deserve to be yours! Don't be jealous with other bloggers instead but make them as your inspiration.

Also Read:
Basic Tips to Avoid Adsense Account Banned (Updated) 

If you're not making money with your blog, perhaps you're failing at one of the points listed above. As far as I've seen, they're the biggest reasons why bloggers fail to make money online. DON'T BE ONE OF THEM!

Let me know your own experienced on making money online or if you have any other reasons that blogger fail to make money please share it below.

Happy Earning Bloggers!!!

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