Basic Tips To Avoid Adsense Account Banned (Updated)

Google Adsense is the king of Contextual Ad Network around the web and the best in this online business because of its highest CPC Rates, quality of ad servings, efficient support system, wired transfer of payment method and many other quality features. Maintaining a good Adsense standing is easy if you had read its terms and conditions but if you ignore it or intentioanally not to read it because they are to lengthy then you are account is in danger, since they are too strict in terms of their publishers to oblige its Terms of Services which can cause anyone Adsense Account disabled.

In this tutorial, I will share to you how to make your Adsense Account in good standing always in order to avoid mistakes and continue receiving blessing from them.

Basic Tips (DON'Ts) To Avoid Adsense TOS Violation

1. Using Incorrect Labels

One way of the tricks which is being practiced by lot of publishers is through showing labels above Adsense ad like “click here to download”, “click below to show more”, click to see hotties”. All of these lines were not approved by the Adsense Team. It is very clear in TOS that Publishers are only allowed to use “Sponsored” and “Advertisement” as Labels. Any other Heading Lines for Adsense ad will be treated as a way to induce more (invalid) clicks from visitors, and this is strictly not allowed by Adsense.

2. Invalid Click Activity

The most common practiced to get your account disabled/banned from Adsense. Many Newbie Publishers who can't wait to receive huge traffic to their blog tend to click their own Ads from different computers like from an internet cafe or request somebody to do so from different IP Address. But Google Adsense has a very advanced technology which can detect any invalid activity easily.

3. Alteration Of The Ad Code

If your Adsense application will be approved by them, they will provide you as publisher a unique ad code with Pub-id and ad-slot. They will also instruct you not to alter the ad code in any case. Doing so will make your account banned.

4. Sudden Rise In CTR

A sudden Rise in CTR (click through rate) can cause Adsense Team to watch your account and this practiced will cause you to be suspended and worst if you will be banned of putting adsense ad to your blog. Let us say, your CTR for the last 3months is about 3% to 5% , but suddenly one day CTR Rises to 10% and if it will slow down suddenly for five to ten days then there is something wrong with your traffic.

5. Showing Ads On Unsupported Languages Blogs

Adsense Support only allows publishers to put Adsense ad on their approved selective languages. Therefore if your blog contains any of the unsupportive languages, then, remove it (Adsense ad) or else, they will ban your Adsense Account.

6. Buying Traffic

Adsense never allows putting Ads on pages who got a lot of paid traffic.

7. Linking Your Blog To Bad Standing Sites

If your blog is link to bad websites promoting any illegal material mentioned below then, Adsense will not serve Ads on your blog. Perhaps they will suspend your account for such action. Always do the right thing with Adsense in order not to be suspended or banned.

List of prohibited sites which are not allowed by Adsense to show their ads. All of the below listed is a BIG NO to Google Adsense:

1. Copyrighted or Illegal Material
2. Adult, Porn Content
3. Selling Alcohol, tobacco or any other related materials
4. Distribution of Illegal Drugs
5. Hacking or Cracking content
6. Hate speech Content
7. Selling of Weapons

8. Placing Ads Too Close With Images

Inlining Adsense ad to your blog images is one way to increase clicks to the ads because visitors can't distinguish between images and ads especially if they are just a mere web visitors. There were many Adsense account being disabled due to this reason, and so publishers started running away from this trick to avoid account cancellation.

9. Similar Contextual Advertisement

Always remember not to use any of advertisements that look similar to Adsense Ads. Only use those Ad networks, which complies with Adsense Policies like BuySellAds Infolinks, Technorati Media, etc.

10. Avoid Using Ads On Popups

Even now, some Adsense ad publsihers still put ads that show on Pop up or pop Under, hope they will not be banned because this trick is strickly not allowed in Adsense. Read more on Google Adsense Terms and Conditions for more Informations with their policies. Once your account is banned no more other chance to gain back their confidence to you. If your site once violated their tos then try putting Adsense alternatives to you site.

Final Words

I will  humbly advice every Adsense Publisher not  to wait for an Email from Adsense regarding your violation, just check your website or blog always  if it follows  their TOS.

Play Safe and Happy Blogging :-)

How To Recover Files From Your Infected Flash/USB Drive

Recovering files from your infected flash drive is a big a problem especially if you had stored on it some of your data about your blogging activities. This is what happened to one of my friends and me as well. Here, I am going to show you what I have done in order to recover those hidden files caused by viruses through command prompt in windows operating system.

Recover Files/Data From Your Infected Flash Drive

Step 1. Insert your Flash/USB drive which is infected and open it.

Step 2. Click Start Button (this is the windows icon) . Then type CMD in the blank provided and hit or click the cmd button. See the screenshot below.

Step 3.Find the drive letter for your connected USB (infected) drive. For Example, E: Step 4. In command prompt, type


Step 5. Then click enter. Command Prompt will show E:\>

Step 6. Then type the set of letters next to it.

attrib -s -h /s /d *.*

Note: Make sure that you put space between each element in the code.

Step 7. Hit enter and wait for few seconds.

Let me know if you have some questions regarding thispost.That's all budies! ENJOY* :-)

How To Add Responsive Slider Widget For Blogger Blog

Adding responsive slider widget for your Blogger blog is necesssary especially if you want to have a better user experience. They can use the silder button (next-previous) to select the image with a corresponding post that link on it. This slider is easy to use and to customize so that you can adjust it according to your likeness.

Also read:

JavaScript Image Slider For Blogger

How To Add A Tiny JQuery Circleslider To Blogger
How To Create Professional Image Slideshows with Jquery In Blogger
Create a CSS Image Slider with Thumbnails for Blogger

Add Responsive Slider Widget For Blogger Blog 

Step 1. Go to your Blogger Dashboard >> Layout >> Add A Gadget, then choose HTML/JavaScript 

Step 2. Paste the code below inside it.
<style type='text/css'> .btt-slider {  margin: 30px auto;  max-width: 850px;  padding: 0 20px;  }
.rslides {  list-style: none outside none;  margin: 0 auto;  max-height: 400px;  max-width: 800px;    overflow: hidden;  padding: 0;  position: relative;  width: 100%; }
.rslides li {  -webkit-backface-visibility: hidden;  position: absolute; border: 5px solid #555; display: none;  left: 0;  top: 0; margin: 0; padding: 0; list-style: none; }
.rslides img {  display: block;  height: auto;  float: left;  width: 100%;  border: 0; margin: 0; max-width: 100%; }
ul.rslides .rslides_nav {  height: 30px;  position: absolute;  text-indent: -99999px;  top: 45%;  width: 30px;  z-index: 9999;  display: none; }
ul.rslides:hover .rslides_nav {  display: block;  }
.prev {  background: url("") repeat scroll 0 0 transparent;  float: left;  left: 15px;  }
.next {  background: url("") repeat scroll right 0 transparent;  float: right; right: 15px;  }
<script type='text/javascript'>
  $(function() {
      auto: true,
      speed: 500,
      timeout: 3000,
      nav: true,
      pause: true,
      prevText: "Previous",
      nextText: "Next",
      navContainer: "ul.rslides",
<script src=""></script>
<script src='' type='text/javascript'>
<div class="btt-slider">
<ul class="rslides">
<li><a href=""><img alt="" src="" /></a></li>
<li><a href=" "><img alt="" src="" /></a></li>
<li><a href=" "><img alt="" src="" /></a></li>

 Note: If your blog already have a jQuery Plugin then remove the highlighted code.
(<script src=""></script>)


Replace with your  own link.
Then Replace with the image link you want to show in the slider. Click here how to get the image link.
Step 3. Save the widget and you're done buddies. See now  your blog with its responsive image slider.( =D
Hope you learned something with this tutorial and Stay tuned with our coming posts!

Take Good Care!

Optimize H1,H2 & H3 Heading Tags For Better Seo In Blogger

One of the basic SEO tips that a goal-oriented blogger must apply in his HTML document is the proper use of HEADER Tags. As we all know that there are six (6) heading tags namely: - H1, H2, H3,H4, H5 and H6. Among these six tags, H1 tag is the most important tag followed by H2, H3 and so on. By default (not yet customized) Blogger uses H1 tags for the blog title (ex. Bloggingtips and trix), H3 for post titles (ex. How To Add Hover Effect To Images In Posts) and H2 for sidebar titles (ex. Popular Posts!). Having proper weighted headings is really important from an SEO perspective since search engines use headings to get an idea or summary of what your post is all about and this article will help you to assign heading tags based on its importance.

How To Use Heading Tags

The most important part of your article are the headings and it should be wrapped with the proper heading tags in order to be seo friendly. The most important heading on the page should we wrapped in an H1 tag. For your post page, the most important heading is the title (post title) of the blog entry.

Observe the example below:

<h1>Your Blog Title (ex. Blogging Tips and Trix</h1> 

<h2> Your post title (ex. How To Add Hover Effect To Images In Posts </h2>

<h2>Sidebar Gadget title (ex.Popular Posts!)</h2>

<h3>Second post's title (ex. Putting Hover Effect To All Post Images)</h3>

Header Tags

Step 1. Go to Blogger Dashboard >> Click Post
Step 2. Switch your Blogger Post editor's page in HTML mode.
Step 3.  Hit the button that shows Normal as shown in screenshot below and click on either “Heading” (<h2>), “Subheading” (<h3>), or  “Minor heading” (<h4>) in the toolbar depending the importance of your header. You can also verify if you had added the header tags correctly by switching Blogger Post editor's page in HTML mode.

You can visit this link to view more on how to use Header tags in Blogger. 

Let me hear your feedbacks and experiences in using Header tags in Blogger. 

Have Peace Buddies!

7 Reasons Why Bloggers Fail To Make Money

I believed that making money via blogging takes a lot of time and the moment that we will stop what we had started makes the whole thing a pretty useless one. Try to ask ourselves these two questions. 
1. Do I make enough money from my blog/site? 
2. Do I deserve the money that I have received from my blog? 
It is hard to accept the fact that some of us don't make enough of it and yes we deserved the gain that we got from our blogs wether it is high or low . There are things that we made a few months or years ago that had become incredibly ineffective or inefficient that lead of what we are now today! The worst of all those things is if we give up and stopped blogging completely. What an horrible decision! Isn't it?

"There's always a rainbow after a heavy rain"

My dear, blogging is one of the best source of descent income nowadays! Try to evaluate your blog from the highest part to the lowest part of it. Examine all the sides if it is user's friendly or not. Then ask again if "Why I am not making money right this moment?

" Below might be the answer for that question:

1. Design Is A MUST!

We always read article online that we should always make articles which are unique, full of sense and new to our readers but is your blog's design really gowith your content? Perhaps NO! There is one element that you probably forgot and that is DESIGN. Assuming that you landed a certain a blog and you found out that it is poorly desinged, would you even bother to read the content? Perhaps no, am I right? Chances are you'd just leave and think that the page was under construction or a spam. If your blog isn't well designed even if you write a terrific article, your visitors will fly away and look for another which is more professional in looks.

Try to look the basic things in blogging like your image size, fonts. These are common mistakes but it has a big impact to your career. Make sure that your images are inline with the topic and the texts are easy to read, and people will read it. It's really that simple thing.

2. Bloggers Forget The Main Purpose.

Basically the main reason why we write is to share what we have in our minds. And sad to say that this was being forgotten by majority of us. Earning money through it is just a secondary reason . Blogging is a way to share what we have know and let the world know also via internet.

In the first place, if people are happy with your articles written in return the will also pay you unconsciously.

3. User's Can't Navigate Your Site

Does your site contains navigation bar to make your them (readers) stay long in reading some related articles?. From the name itself (WEBSITE) which means a set of related web pages served from a single web domain. A website is not just a single page, but rather a series of pages that link together. Don't let your readers find difficult to navigate your site or else they will not stay long and consequently loss them slow by slow. Make your customers satisfied and treat them as VIP.

Also read:
SEO Guides: 6 Things You Must Do Before Publishing Your Articles
How to create sitemap for Blogger?

Utilize your most popular posts to increase your blog traffic by creating navigation bar entries on it. Add drop-downs for categories and tags. Make sure there's a clear and click-able "home" button. In other words, make sure that you can get essentially anywhere on the site, no matter your current page.

4. You Don't  Pleased Your Blog  Readers And Advertisers

You will not earn if you don't have any readers or customers and at the same time if you don't even one advertisers promoting their products through your blog. Selling stuff is on of the most effective and easiest way to make money via blogging these days. Your readers are your potential clients for it. You can use your blog in big extent to inform and entertain them, and in small scale to steer them towards the products that you promote. It is an equilibrium that has worked between bloggers and advertisers seeking to make more money than is available through CPM ( cost per impression) costadvertising.

As usual customers find it easy if they will not fill out many extra forms and take only fewer steps to add an item to a cart and finish an order in a very short period of time. Offer them more ways to pay like Pay pal but there are also alternative ways to pay online. Offering mobile payments is another way to make things easier for your customers. Ease leads to sales. It's the the no.1 lesson any online businessperson should never forget.

5. Practicing  Black Hat SEO Than  Better SEO For Your Site To Rank In Google

Before, during the early part of this 21st century there was a gold rush on the internet. Google had risen to prominence since she was driving obscene amounts of traffic. If you ranked highly for a commercial search term, you were almost guaranteed sales. Of course, when the company (Google) realized all the money the people were making within its ecosystem, they decided to make it much more difficult to rank for highly commercial search terms. Here comes now the different SEO to make our sites more visible than to our competitors. Those who practiced Black Hat SEO have been penalized by Google and bloggers who still uses them in these days are continue to be penalized. If you not rank as highly as before, it is highly recommended that you follow Google's guidelines for high quality sites to gain back those prestige status. At the end we will be thankful to Google for the potential sales it can bring -- if we do it right.

6. You Are Hiding Yourself To People

Sounds bad buddies but it is true that sometimes we forget to show our selves publicly. As customers they tend to buy something if they know the source of it like the manufacturers, the country where it was made and the store where it was sold. Big names (brands) have a huge advantage here. They're instantly recognized, and so people trust them more naturally than those names which are not so popular with their ears. When you're a blogger especially an newbie one and try to sell products or even services on your site, you have to be forthcoming with people. So select a picture of yours which looks visitors' friendly. Tell a full story on your About page. Not just what you do, but who you are. Provide your email address. Contact forms just don't cut it and link to all of your social profiles like facebook, twitter, google plus etc. The more people get to know you, the more they will trust their money to you.

7. Don't Follow  Advertisers TOS

Some Bloggers felt depressed or even ended their career once they are banned by their ads advertisers for violating their respective terms and conditions (TOS).Don't force yourself to earn easy money by practicing techniques which are not in line with the rules of your advertisers because it is also unfair to their part to pay money which doesn't deserve to be yours! Don't be jealous with other bloggers instead but make them as your inspiration.

Also Read:
Basic Tips to Avoid Adsense Account Banned (Updated) 

If you're not making money with your blog, perhaps you're failing at one of the points listed above. As far as I've seen, they're the biggest reasons why bloggers fail to make money online. DON'T BE ONE OF THEM!

Let me know your own experienced on making money online or if you have any other reasons that blogger fail to make money please share it below.

Happy Earning Bloggers!!!

How To Change Width Of Body, Post And Sidebar In Blogger

Changing the widths of body, post and sidebar in Blogger blog is a neccessary in order to make some changes that would be advantageous to your part. First in line is you can put a wider stuffs/widgets on your sidebar especially for your Adsense ad to increase its click through rate (CTR). Secondly, you can add a larger image size in your posts which gives your blog a better and professional looks.

I had tried to search the tag like " #Outer-Wrapper " , "#main-wrapper " and " #sidebar-wrapper" but none of these code is present in my Blogger's Template so I decided to use the most easy way in changing the width of my blog's body and sidebar through Blogger Template Designer. This technique is safe and more comfortable to use. Without much words to say let us now follow the very simple steps below.

Changing Width Of Body And Sidebar In Blogger

Step 1. Go to your Blogger Dashboard >> Template >> Back-up Step
2. Click Customize Step
3. Hit the Adjust widths button. Here, you can adjust the width of your entire blog and its sidebar depending upon your likeness.

Step 4. Now hit the Apply to Blog button

Adjust The Width Of Post By Putting CSS

Copy the code below and paste it above the code ]]></b:skin>

.post { background: #fff; margin: 0px 0px 35px; width:680px; padding: 10px 15px 10px 10px; -webkit-border-bottom-right-radius: 10px; -moz-border-radius-bottomright: 10px; border-bottom-right-radius: 10px; box-shadow: 1px 3px 4px rgb(188, 188, 188);

Let me hear your thoughts about this article on how to change width of body, post and sidebar in your blog? Happy Blogging Buddies ;-)

Note: In my own blog which has an entire width of 1100px and a sidebar of 320px, the most fit post width is 680px. Just change the value 680px depending upon your entire blog's width. You can immediately see the effect since the preview page is located in the bottom part of it. 

Let me hear your thoughts about this article on how to change width of body, post and sidebar in your blog? Happy Blogging Buddies ;-)

3 Basic SEO Tips For A Newly Launched Blogger

This article is intended for newbie bloggers like me who wants to be guided with the basic principles in the world of blogging. I know how it feels to be a newbie in the first place and want to gain popularity and respect in the blogosphere. Blogging is not just about looking for an online space for yourself, putting up content there and earn money through it. You have to survive among the fittest or manage changes in order to trample down your opponents. In this post, I will give my personal advice to newbie bloggers who want to success through applying the basic SEO process - things they should or MUST implement on their own blogs.

Use And Optimize Google Webmaster Tools

If you want to be more exposed in the internet, don't ever missed this friendly Google Webmaster Tools! You should have to sign up first to Google Webmaster Tools (GWT). GWT is basically a dashboard where you can not only get yourself verified as an official owner of your site/blog, but also get access to a lot of tools, features, and reports. With GWT, you can change how Google sees your website, and even receive messages from Google regarding updates, and errors found on your website or any critical issues found in your blog. Furtheremore, through GWT, you can view crawl errors, crawl stats, blocked URLs index, Fetch as Google - Pretty handy for fetching data for your website and submitting it to index to ensure that it's indexed more quickly,view search queries, and internal/external links. And we will not forget this one of the most important thing about GWTs which you can submit sitemap to make your article visible in the web.

Submitting Sitemap

As I have said a while ago that one way to make your written articles visible in the web is you need to submit it to Google. Creating a sitemap is the first thing to do after making a proper website or blog and submit it to Google. A sitemap is basically a listing of the contents of your blog, sort of like a table of contents. It needs to be submitted to search engines so they know what content to find on your blog. It is advisable to make aat least 10 to 20 articles first before creating and submitting a sitemap.

As what Bro Qasim Zaib said in one of his post in MBT that "when you submit a sitemap, search engines use the data on that sitemap to locate your site and your data, and index it. You might have noticed that your site didn't appear on Google after you created it. Well, to get it into search results, Google first needs to index it. And to make Google index it soon, you submit a sitemap". I believe he has the point with his statement because that was I have experienced long before in this blog long time ago!

Keep Monitoring Your Rank And Statistics

When I was new in blogging and read many advises from the web about stastistics, they often said that it is better not to monitor it since I will be little frustrated of my rank.But now that I'm in the middle of growth and development as a blogger and have started generating good content, it's time for me to start monitoring my success.

Keeping track of my PageRank, which comes out every three months. I should also keep a check on my Alexa Toolbar ranking. For monitoring my website statistics, I should use Google Analytics. This steps should also be your moves buddies. Everybody wants to succeed easily that's why we want to take shortcuts. And it's easy to do so, but we can never take away the effort of hard work and discipline and sacrifice.

Consolidated Basic SEO Tips Just For You!

So far we have compiled many SEO tips with our readers before. Here is a short lists of the related posts.

8 Great Tips for Start-ups in Under 10 Minutes by Google

Optimize H1,H2 & H3 Heading Tags For Better Seo In Blogger

How To Get Free Do Follow Backlinks For My Site

How To Add Meta Description To Blogger Using Blogger Settings

Useful Tips To Keep Your Readers Stay Longer On Your Blog

Adding Alt Tag To Images To Increase Blog Traffic

10 Best SEO Tips For Newbie Bloggers

Customize Post Title In Blogger- Increase Traffic

Edit Permalink To Increase Blog Traffic

You might also like reading a couple of BAD SEO tips guides in order to avoid them! These basics tips and guides should get anyone oriented with optimizing their website to the fullest. If you suggestion or any clarifications, please contact the admin or feel free to ask in the comments section below.  

Have Peace Buddies :

8 Great SEO Tips For Startups In Under 10 Minutes By Google

Site optimization is the KEY of your blogging career next to writing a quality and unique content for your customers. This is what makes your site's framework tough in order to stand against your competitors. But researchers doesn't stop just to make this things more refined as you could imagine! Furthermore, site owner and other big companies across these online environment spend a lot of time, effort and money on SEO to rank their blogs. Some of them even indulge in black hat technique which is not allowed by Google. But many of us webmasters don't realize that proper SEO can be as simple as to be learnt it in below 10 minutes. They spent hours and days researching. But if only they looked in the right place for the start perhaps they will not spent more time and money for their SEO plan. Google had uploaded some videos teaching some basics of these SEO. The informations being discussed apply to small websites that have like less than 50 pages or so but larger sites can benefit too. In the other hand, websites like news agencies or eCommerce and other related sites might need to spend more time and effort, and some money of course because optimizing a website with thousands of pages and even more keywords might be an difficult task.

SEO Tips In Under 10 Minutes:

The following are list of SEO Tips for your start ups which can be learnt in under 10 minutes!

1. Use Webmaster Tools And Their Email Forwarding.  This is first thing to do in your blog/site is to verify your ownership on it through Google Webmaster Tools. It is a very useful service granted to us by Google. This tools provide you a lot of features. One of that is email forwarding. If you enable it, Google will send you emails informing you of any problems it found on your site, such as site inaccessibility, malicious content, malware (virus), crawl errors, and a large number of 404s (not found errors, or broken links). Having this kind of information can be extremely useful, so that you can troubleshoot and correct any errors that might harm your website's reputation.

2. Have A Background Checks. On Your Domain If it happens that you are not the first owner of your domain and you bought it from someone else, then you should better run a background investagation on your domain to see if it's clean and safe. One good way to do this task is , go to Webmaster Tools, and look for the keywords listed there for your domain. It might cause harm to your site if the keywords are irrelevant to your domain name or niche. Another better way, is to look into the past information by going to DomainTools and look up your domain. You'll see information of your blog domain if it is available or not. See the screenshot below.

3. Use Some Analytics Program Webmasters.  It should always do some sort of statistical data in their respective site like Alexa in order to have a grasp of their audience . It is also advisable that you set up some Analytics program, the best of all is Google Analytics. which is very helpful and reliable. Don't wait for tomorrow for your BIG start. Do it NOW!

4. Fetch As GoogleBot Fetch as GoogleBot. Another great feature provided by Google Webmaster Tools (GWTS) . You can submit a specific URL of your blog to GWTs, and it will tell you whether it was redirected appropriately, and what information it downloaded. In that way, you can see what information Google looks for. You can also tell Google to not just crawl, but also submit to index or that URL. That way, whenever you update your site, you can trigger that entire process to happen by Google, and have it available to searchers even faster. Sounds good buddies, isn't it?

5. A User-Friendly Site Design. As I have wrote earlier in my article "Why Webmasters Fail to Make Money Online" is a bad site design. A great site design is one of the keys to your success in the race online. As others say "First impression is lasting" , always count. To understand this point, put yourself as a visitor of ones blog and try to ask these questions to your self. Can I navigate easily enough to all parts or pages of this blog? Can I figure out easily where I am, and Did I get easily to my desired content? Am I satisfied? These set of questions are important and must be answered with a positive one. Try to make an article which is not too lengthy in order to save time making articles.This might save yours, but pushing away your readers' since they will jump for another site. Avoid merging topics in one post! Separate your content if necessary.

6. Relevant Calls To Action. This is related to Blog Design but I intend to write it separately for emphasis. Be sensitive to the call of your customers. Others feel bored because of poor blog design in its pages. For example, you could put an subscribe for email newsletters widget on one page, share your service on another and so on. Since there are different types of customers with different wants, that way, you can target them all according to their needs. Not all will buy your products, for example. Nor will everyone share your services or subscribe for newsletters. So keep all these calls to action.

Recommended For You:

7. Avoid Link Building Schemes. Just follow the normal way of getting traffic on your site and everything will be fine! Never, ever engage in buying backlinks from link building schemes. They are always spam. You thought that this is the best way to rise your visibility in search engine results page but they are cheap backlinks that will cause harm to your site more than they'll help you. And even if they did start out as quality links, they won't be forever! It will pull down you back more than you could imagine. That's disgusting. Google don't want you to practice Black Hat SEO!

8. Site Load Time. Your real consumers is not those robots (machine) that put your site in Google SERP but the people who will land to your site and interact with your written articles. So, make them happy and of that way is your blog loading time which is user's friendly. Make it in the range of 5-10 seconds which is considered fine. No more than 10, but anywhere under 10 to make your customers happy. If it goes more than 10sec, then don't worry. Just find other way to make your users experince great. However, if you can manage that, and still go under 5, then you are in good track.

9. My Conclusion

The bottom line is how well you connect with your audience matters most!.Be honest to your customers/visitors. Interact with them and answer their questions promptly. Make them feel part of your site. Share your content on social media to expand your exposure because the initial volume of your blog traffic will come from them. Hope you will apply even one of these tips to your blog. Good luck pal :-) Below is a less than 10 minute video on all the SEO you should know as a start-up. It is a summary of what we'll discuss about in this post.


Take Care Friends!

How To Delete Autorun Virus In Flash/Usb Drive

Even if you have recovered those files which were being hidden by some powerful viruses like autorun.inf but you forgot to delete the main root of your problem which is the virus itself, then problem will continue to reoccur later or sooner. Now is the proper time to delete this annoying autorun virus in your USB/Flash Drive before it will attack the overall system in your computer.

How To Recover Files From Your Infected USB/Flash Drive?

Please follow the simple steps given below to remove autorun virus using cmd ( command prompt ) in you PC

Removing Autorun Virus In Your Flash/Usb Drive Using Command Prompt

Step 1. Insert your infected USB/Flash drive to the computer and open it
Step 2. Press Start (Windows Icon) then type cmd in the space provided
Step 3. Find the drive letter of your infected USB/flash drive, for example E:
Step 4. In command prompt type E:

Step 5. Then click enter. Command Prompt will show E:\>
Step 6. Just after that line type ( attrib -h -r -s autorun.inf ), without brackets and press Enter.

Step 7. Just below that line in step 6, type ( del autorun.inf ), without brackets and press Enter.

If it happens that other drivers of your PC were also infected you can repeat the steps from 3 to 7.

Hope this tweak will help you to delete autorun virus in your computer drives!

Happy Free Virus Day!

Top Video Uploading Sites And Make Money On It

Hello friends! I know you want to earn money with your own videos through online marketing. Isn't it? You are not wrong in visiting this article since I will share below the top video uploading sites and make vast money out from them! The following websites will be your partner in generating money through your uploaded videos. The list is based accordingly to their alexa ranks when I wrote this article.

Note: Please upload videos only which follows copyright laws and be sensitive enough with the culture of other people.

1. YouTube.Com:  Alexa Rank: 3 Google Pagerank: 9 Among the list, rank first. This is a giant video sharing website that allows you to upload your own videos, view and share it to the whole world. The good thing is you can place Google ads and earn massive income through it.

2. Dailymotion.Com Alexa Rank: 96 Google Pagerank: 8 According to Wikipedia, has over 19 million unique visitors a month.As of November 2012, the site was the 31st most visited website in the world with over 116 million unique visitors accessing the site each month.This is an another video uploading website that let you upload your own videos and allows sharing other videos from their website
and of course let you make money.

3. Vimeo.Com Alexa Rank: 102 Google Pagerank: 9 As of December 2013, attracts over 100 million unique visitors per month and more than 22 million registered users. Fifteen percent of Vimeo’s traffic comes from mobile devices. As of February 2013, Vimeo accounted for 0.11% of all Internet bandwidth, following fellow video sharing sites YouTube and Facebook.The community of Vimeo includes indie filmmakers and their fans. The Vimeo community has adopted the name "Vimeans", meaning a member of the Vimeo community, usually one who is active and engaged with fellow users on a regular basis.

4. Metacafe.Com Alexa Rank: 1,495 Google Pagrank: 6 is a video-sharing website with more than 40 million unique viewers every month. Here you can find short videos in the categories of video games, sports, music, movies and TV. The website features a special ranking algorithm that ensures that the uploaded videos are of high quality. Besides, unlike YouTube, Metacafe doesn’t host duplicate videos. Each video can be uploaded only once. One more advantage of Metacafe is that it pays people for posting videos. If your content is popular among users and your video hit 20.000 views, Metacafe will pay you $5 for every 1,000 views. Good motivation for making cool videos, isn’t it?

5. Break.Com Alexa Rank: 1,595 Google Pagerank: 6 makes you earn money by posting videos and pictures on their website. you can earn up to $2000 for your videos if they make it to the front page.

6. Vevo.Com Alexa Rank: 3,144 Google Pagerank: 7 The third among the list is It is a better place for all musicians, be a simple music lover or a professional one. Unfortunately, the availability of watching vevo videos are restricted in some regions of the world.

7. Veoh.Com Alexa Rank: 4,278 Google Pagerank: 6 is an Internet television service that allows users to search and watch major studio content, independent productions and user-generated material. Once you made and an account to Veoh you can now upload videos of any length and embed or put them on your site or blog.

8. Flixya.Com Alexa Rank: 11,314 Google Pagerank: 4 is another great website that you can share your videos and yet make some cash. This website also allows you to use videos that are not yours.

God Bless and Take Care!

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